PhD Lunch Seminars Amsterdam

Yuyu Zeng (VU University of Amsterdam) and Sabina Albrecht (University of Amsterdam)
Tuesday, 9 June 2015


Damming Trans-boundary Rivers: A Welfare Analysis
Yuyu Zeng (VU University of Amsterdam)

Abstract: Dam plays an important role for water storage and hydropower generation, etc. On the negative side, dam changes the river flow pattern and endangers local environment. In the framework of trans-boundary water resource allocation, three scenarios are interesting: the disagreement scenario in which each agent pursues his own interests, joint cooperation across the river basins to extract maximal benefits and partial cooperation between neighboring river basin agents. We conduct a cost-benefit analysis in the above three scenarios taking other water use sectors, e.g., household, industry and irrigation, into account. We examine our approach further in details in the Mekong River Basin. (Joint with Ariel Dinar, Harold Houba and Miroslav Marence)

Field: Cooperative game theory, Environmental Economics



Sabina Albrecht (University of Amsterdam)

Title: tba

Abstract: tba

Field: Labor economics