The p-value Debate
A must for anyone interested in statistics and/or econometrics.
Farewell symposium of Dr. A.F. (Aart) de Vos for which he wrote:
“how to use the p-value in making decisions”
(I seem to have too little paint in my cans. It is significant. What should I do?)
The classical significance test reinterpreted
A bridge between Bayesians and frequentists
With an all-star set of speakers (key phrases between brackets):
Prof. J.O. (Jim) Berger (could Fisher, Jeffreys and Neyman have agreed on testing?)
Prof. J.M. (Jose) Bernardo (Objective Bayesian Hypothesis testing)
Prof. A. (Tony) O’Hagan (Subjective Bayes, “no more p-values”)
Prof. P.D. (Peter) Grunwald (Bayes Factors and Truth Finding)
Prof M.K. (Marc) Francke (What have Unit Root tests to do with an important decision for pension funds)
Dr J.M. (Koos) Sneek (An alternative way to derive alpha)
And others.
* Coordination Prof. S.J. (Siem Jan) Koopman
* Debate led by Prof. A.W. (Aad) van der Vaart
* Reception 17.30 hrs.
* Sign in by mail
Optional Morning Program (VU, 10.15-12.00 hrs. 15-A-02.): What is this all about?
An easy explanation (mainly pictures) of all the concepts for those unfamiliar with Bayesian Inference. Only if sufficient interest. Sign in by mail to with subject “Morning Course”.